Learn with Tipton Shonkwiler whether forming a franchise business or buying a franchise for your going business is right for you. If you're interested in scaling your business and others have asked to use your business model, you might have a good business to franchise. If you want a business in a box and are willing to use systems that have been proven, then becoming a franchisee might be the right thing to do. This episode will help you answer these questions and more.
Today we're talking with Stu Heinecke, the author of How to Grow Your Business Like a Weed and a cartoonist for The Wall Street Journal. In this episode, Stu makes an analogy between weeds and a successful business. We're curious about this idea and I bet you might be also. Tune in to find out what Stu has found that makes weeds and business go together, and no we don't mean the marijuana-type weed.
Susan K. Bradley is our guest for today, she is from The Sudden Money Institute and is an expert on financial transition. In this episode, you will learn about the protocols for helping people who go through major transitions.
Join Ferol M Vernon from Written World Media as we talk about the difference between a book marketer and a media company that markets books. This episode will show you how is it important to have EOS and it will give you insight into empowering authors and publishers to reach their audience and help readers find their next great book.